Anno 2014, Pauw is represented by 28 self-owned stores in The Netherlands and 150 points of sale worldwide.Nouvelles collections, offres privilèges, dernières actualités...
Anno 2014, Pauw is represented by 28 self-owned stores in The Netherlands and 150 points of sale worldwide.
單擊此處 編輯段落文字內容
* 定製尺寸:滿足不同要求
* 新材料優化:保持成本效益
* 新內容優化:讓醫生節省時間
* 新的無菌包裝:確保產品的安全
地址:安徽合肥肥東新城開發區公園路22號 電話:0551-67707456/7709456 傳真:0551-67709567 手機:13965027700 網址:www.cpnonwoven.com.cn Email:info@cpnonwoven.com.cn