The non-sterile gown is designed to protect the wearer from the transfer of microorganisms and bodily fluids in low or minimal risk patient isolation situations. Wear to protect the skin during activities that splash or splash blood, body fluids or secretions, excreta, etc. It can prevent the transfer of bacteria between the medical team and the patient, and reduce the contamination and infection that may occur between the patient and the medical team. Sterile gowns should be used when there is a moderate to high risk of contamination.
Like sterile gowns, non-sterile gowns should cover as much of the body as possible to accommodate the task. With the exception of the straps, cuffs and hem, all areas of the non-sterile gown are considered critical protection areas and must meet the defined maximum level of liquid barrier protection. All seams must have the same liquid barrier protection as the rest of the gown.
Non-sterile gowns are sufficiently fluid-resistant to keep bodily fluids away from clothing in a short time. It is used to care for patients exposed to preventive measures and for procedures to produce splashes. Non-sterile gowns can be disposable or non-disposable.